

"Notemos igualmente que é nos centros espíritas verdadeiramente sérios que se fazem os mais sinceros adeptos, porque os assistentes são tocados pela boa impressão que recebem."Ao passo que nos centros espíritas levianos e frívolos, só se é atraído pela curiosidade, que nem sempre é satisfeita. Compreender o verdadeiro objetivo da Doutrina Espírita, empregando-a para fazer o bem a desencarnados e encarnados, é pouco recreativo para certas pessoas, temos que convir. Mas é mais meritório para os que a isso se devotam". Allan Kardec - Revista Espírita - junho de 1865. 
"We should also note that it is in truly serious Spiritist Centers that the sincerest supporters are made, because the participants are touched by the good impression and the example they receive. While in frivolous and unserious spiritist centers, one is only attracted by curiosity, which is not always satisfied. Understanding the true objective of the Spiritist Doctrine, using it to do good to the discarnated and incarnated, is not very recreational for certain people, we have to agree. But it is more meritorious for those who devote themselves to it". The Spiritist Review - June 1865. 


Geralmente a pessoa que vai até o Centro Espírita busca palavras de conforto e um direcionamento. Oferecemos apoio àqueles que buscam na Doutrina Espírita o abrigo para as suas aflições. É uma relação de ajuda que consiste num encontro fraternal entre aquele que tem carências a serem supridas e o tarefeiro atendente, capacitado para ouvi-lo e orientá-lo quanto aos recursos que a Doutrina Espírita coloca ao seu alcance.
Fraternal assistance is a friendly counseling service offered to those who come to the Spiritist center looking for advice or help with a particular personal issue. The counselor will sit with the individual seeking help, listening to his or her problem and helping the individual to analyze the situation from a Spiritist viewpoint. Generally, the person who goes to the Spiritist Center seeks words of comfort and direction. We offer support to those who seek shelter from their afflictions in the Spiritist Doctrine. It is a relationship of help that consists of a fraternal meeting between the one who has needs to be met, and one of our volunteers, able to listen and guide the individuals in need, regarding the resources that the Spiritist Doctrine places at their disposal.


São atividades de exposição da doutrina espírita, a cargo de um palestrante colaborador do Spiritist Organization of Seattle ou convidado, com conhecimento da Doutrina Espírita. São reuniões abertas ao público, cujo objetivo é estudar um tema atual à luz da Doutrina Espírita, baseados nos ensinamentos de Jesus e dos Espíritos Superiores, assim como, levar consolo, amparo e esperança a todos.
These are meetings in which one volunteer or guest speaker, presents to the participants a topic, often of a Gospel-related theme, within the scope and teachings of Spiritism. Those who perform such lectures are not ordained or "certified" preachers, but rather those who have studied Spiritism well, and as such, are prepared and willing to share their knowledge with others. Lecturers are scheduled in advance and are assigned a topic for which they must prepare before presenting. Often times, guest lecturers from other centers are called in to speak, either at regularly scheduled meetings or at special seminars. 
These meetings are an excellent way for those who are new to Spiritism to learn more about what it teaches and what the Spiritist center is like. For those who are not new, it is a great way to come together, fraternally, with others who share the same beliefs and common goals. For all participants, it is a valuable resource for education and lessons that help us in our efforts toward inner reform and growth, as well as a source of harmonizing energy offered through the fluidic therapy sessions.


O Estudo Sistematizado da Doutrina Espírita (ESDE) surgiu como ferramenta didática de estudo do Espiritismo, oferecendo oportunidade de ampliação do conhecimento da base fundamental da Doutrina nos aspectos científico, filosófico e religioso. Consulte um dos nossos voluntários sobre o horário e as classes disponíveis.
The Systematic Study of the Spiritist Doctrine emerged as an educational tool for the study of Spiritism, offering an opportunity to expand knowledge of the fundamental basis of the Doctrine in the scientific, philosophical, and religious aspects, by studying of the basic works of the Spiritist Doctrine codified by Allan Kardec, consisting of five books, namely “The Spirits’ Book”, “The Mediums’ Book”, “The Gospel According to Spiritism”, “Heaven and Hell” and “Genesis”. The main purpose of this course is to engage participants in a methodical, continuous, and serious study of Spiritism, upon which they will build up a positive outlook regarding the scientific, moral, and philosophic aspects of Spiritism. Ask one of our volunteers about the schedule and available classes. 

Evangelização Espírita Infantojuvenil é toda a atividade voltada ao estudo da Doutrina Espírita e à vivência do Evangelho de Jesus junto à criança e ao jovem.
Cabe à Evangelização Espírita Infantojuvenil a indeclinável tarefa educacional de preparar os futuros cidadãos desde cedo, habilitando-os com as sublimes ferramentas do conhecimento e do amor para o desempenho dos compromissos que lhes cumprirá atender, edificando a nova sociedade do  amanhã. Vianna de Carvalho (Página psicografada pelo médium Divaldo Pereira Franco
Our CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPIRITIST EDUCATION program is aimed at studying the Spiritist Doctrine and living the Gospel of Jesus with children and young people. We provide a special moment of interaction, learning, reflection, sharing of experiences and building bonds of friendship and fraternity among participants, promoting connections with oneself, with others and with God, providing opportunities for studying and experiencing Jesus’ teachings through the lenses of Spiritism. Through this program, the kids are given the seeds of knowledge that will help them to interact in a positive way with the world around them. 


O Passe foi incluído nas práticas doutrinárias do Espiritismo, como auxiliar nos recursos terapêuticos. Podemos defini-lo como: 
• Transferência de fluidos de perespírito para perespírito.
• Tranfusão fisiopsíquica, operação de boa vontade.
• Não é unicamente transfusão de energia anímica, é o equilíbrio ideal da mente.
• O Passe é doação fluídica de amor.
• Água fluidificada.
“Therefore, I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is you through the laying on of my hands.”  [2 Timothy 1:6] 
“Passes are not simply a transfusion of psychic energies. It is the ideal tool to balance the mind, and an effective aid to all kinds of treatments.” [Andre Luiz (Spirit) – Francisco C. Xavier (medium)]  
Following the regular public meetings, a fluidic therapy session is usually held for those who wish to participate. This practice involves the transmission, or donation of positive, restorative energies/fluids that help revitalize and re-balance those of the patient. Normally, it refers to the utilization of a technique involving “hand passes” as well as spiritually magnetized water. At the Spiritist center, you may also hear this referred to as "passes" or “spiritual healing”. 


Um clube do livro, também conhecido como clube de leitura, é um clube social onde pessoas normalmente se encontram para discutir sobre um livro (ou capítulos individuais) que acabaram de ler, expressando suas opiniões, críticas, etc. O objetivo é promover o conhecimento através de uma discussão saudável e edificante do livro em questão.
Our book club is a social gathering where people meet to discuss a book or part of a book related to Spiritism, that they have just read, expressing their opinions, criticisms, etc. The aim is to promote knowledge as well as socialization, through a healthy and edifying discussion of the book in question.


Orientações de como implantar o Culto no Lar, que é um encontro semanal, sendo previamente marcado o dia e a hora, (devendo ser repetido sempre no mesmo dia e hora da semana) com o objetivo de reunir a família em torno dos ensinamentos evangélicos, à luz do Espiritismo, e sob a assistência dos Benfeitores Espirituais.
“[...] At least once a week, gather your family and compliment them with the joy of Spiritism, implementing the Gospel practice so that Jesus’ teachings can be an effective route of love and wisdom in your home…” - Joanna de Ângelis 
“Once a week, on Sundays, for example, you can devote a longer time it saying all of them (prayers), either in private or not, in case there is a place, adding the reading of passages of the Imitation of the Gospel and any good instructions dictated by the spirits.” Allan Kardec-Revue Spirite of 1864.
The Gospel at Home is a family gathering that happens on a previously scheduled date and time. It aims at strengthening the connection with God and the spirit guides through prayers, uplifting readings, and reflections about Jesus’ teachings, promoting a functional and enlightened family environment. 
We are available to support families implement the practice of the Gospel at Home, addressing any questions you may have on this topic. Please ask one of our volunteers for assistance.
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