É o conjunto de princípios e leis, revelados pelos Espíritos Superiores, contidos nas obras de Allan Kardec que constituem a Codificação Espírita: O Livro dos Espíritos, O Livro dos Médiuns, O Evangelho segundo o Espiritismo, O Céu e o Inferno e A Gênese. "O Espiritismo é uma ciência que trata da natureza, origem e destino dos Espíritos, bem como de suas relações com o mundo corporal." - Allan Kardec (O que é o Espiritismo - Preâmbulo). "O Espiritismo realiza o que Jesus disse do Consolador prometido: conhecimento das coisas, fazendo que o homem saiba donde vem, para onde vai e por que está na Terra; atrai para os verdadeiros princípios da lei de Deus e consola pela fé e pela esperança." – Allan Kardec (O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo – Cap. VI – 4)
It is the set of principles and laws, revealed by Superior Spirits, contained in the works of Allan Kardec that constitute the Spiritist Codification: The Spirits' Book, The Mediums' Book, The Gospel According to Spiritism, Heaven and Hell and Genesis.
"Spiritism is a science that deals with the nature, origin and destiny of Spirits, as well as their relationships with the corporeal world." - Allan Kardec (What is Spiritism - Preamble).
“Spiritism realizes what Jesus said of the promised Consoler, by bringing knowledge of those things which allow Man to know where he came from, where he is going to, and why he is on Earth; so attracting mankind towards the true principles of God's law and offering consolation through faith and hope.”
– Allan Kardec (The Gospel according to Spiritism – Chap. VI – 4)
Revela o que somos, de onde viemos, para onde vamos, qual o objetivo da nossa existência e qual a razão da dor e do sofrimento.
It literally signifies, to take away the veil, and figuratively, to uncover, to make the acquaintance of a secret or unknown fact. The essential character of all revelation must be truth. Through Spiritism man knows whence he comes, where he goes, why he is upon the Earth, why he suffers temporarily, and can see, above all, the justice of God. Spiritism reveals new and more profound concepts with respect to God, the universe, mankind, the Spirits, and the laws which govern life.
Deus é a inteligência suprema, causa primeira de todas as coisas. É eterno, imutável, imaterial, único, onipotente, soberanamente justo e bom. O Universo é criação de Deus. Abrange todos os seres racionais e irracionais, animados e inanimados, materiais e imateriais. Todas as leis da Natureza são leis divinas, pois que Deus é o seu autor. Abrangem tanto as leis físicas como as leis morais. Os Espíritos são criados simples e ignorantes. Evoluem, intelectual e moralmente, passando de uma ordem inferior para outra mais elevada, até a perfeição, onde gozam de inalterável felicidade. Os Espíritos reencarnam tantas vezes quantas forem necessárias ao seu próprio aprimoramento. Além do mundo corporal, habitação dos Espíritos encarnados, que são os homens, existe o mundo espiritual, habitação dos Espíritos desencarnados. No Universo há outros mundos habitados, com seres de diferentes graus de evolução: iguais, mais evoluídos e menos evoluídos que os homens. Jesus é o guia e modelo para toda a Humanidade. E a Doutrina que ensinou e exemplificou é a expressão mais pura da Lei de Deus. A moral do Cristo, contida no Evangelho, é o roteiro para a evolução segura de todos os homens, e a sua prática é a solução para todos os problemas humanos e o objetivo a ser atingido pela Humanidade. O homem tem o livre-arbítrio para agir, mas responde pelas consequências de suas ações.
God is the supreme intelligence, the first cause of all things. He is eternal, immutable, immaterial, unique, omnipotent, sovereignly just, and good. The Universe is God's creation. It encompasses all rational and irrational, animate, and inanimate, material, and immaterial beings. All the laws of Nature are divine laws since God is their author. They cover both physical laws and moral laws. Spirits are created simple and ignorant. They evolve, intellectually and morally, passing from a lower order to a higher one, until perfection, where they enjoy unalterable happiness. Spiritual life is the normal spirit's life: It is eternal! Corporeal life is transitory, and it is just a moment in eternity. Spirits reincarnate as many times as necessary for their own improvement. In addition to the corporeal world, housing the incarnated Spirits, there is the spiritual world, housing the discarnate Spirits. In the Universe there are other inhabited worlds, with beings of different degrees of evolution: equal, more evolved, and less evolved than we are. Jesus is the guide and model for all mankind. The Doctrine He taught and exemplified is the purest expression of the Law of God. The moral of Christ, contained in the Gospel, is the roadmap for the safe evolution of all men, and its practice is the solution to all human problems and the goal to be achieved by Humanity. Man has free will to act, but he is responsible for the consequences of his actions.
Toda a prática espírita é gratuita, como orienta o princípio moral do Evangelho: "Dai de graça o que de graça recebestes". A prática espírita é realizada com simplicidade, sem nenhum culto exterior, dentro do princípio cristão de que Deus deve ser adorado em espírito e verdade.
Spiritism is practiced with simplicity, without any external forms of worship, within the principle that God should be worshipped in spirit and in truth. Spiritism has no clergy, nor does it adopt or use at any type of dogma and/or rituals. All Spiritist practice is gratuitous, following the orientation of the moral principle found in the Gospel: “Give for free what you receive for free.” Spiritist mediumship practice is solely that which is practiced based on the principles of the Spiritist teachings and within Jesus’ examples. Spiritism respects all religions and doctrines; values all efforts towards the practice of goodness; works towards peace and fellowship between all nations and all peoples, regardless of race, color, nationality, creed, cultural or social standing. It also recognizes that “the truly good person is one who complies with the laws of justice, love, and charity in their highest degree of purity.” (The Gospel According to Spiritism – chapter 17 – item 3)